You Pay Your Current Computer Guy Good Money To Keep Your Computer Network
Up, Running And Problem Free
So Why Are You Still Having Constant Computer Problems?
If you are a small business owner with ongoing computer problems but doesn’t know who you can trust to fix them fast, fix them right, and make everything just WORK the way it’s supposed to, I have the solution you have been looking for.
My name is Ashley Gurrie, owner of 34Blast. What makes us unique is that we guarantee to make technology EASY for you. That includes guaranteeing 60-minute or less response times, owning problems (instead of blaming your ISP, software vendor, or other outside problem), and providing good, old-fashioned customer service from English-speaking technicians who are highly trained and know what they are doing and based right here in Frederick County, Maryland.
See What GREAT Computer Support Should Be…For FREE
As a prospective new client, we’d like to give you 2 free hours of support to resolve the computer problem of your choice, or to perform a “health check” to check for viruses, missing security patches, faulty backups and a number of other potential issues that could be slowing down your computer and causing it to crash. Why are we giving this away for free? Because we know that once you see how quickly we make your computer problems go away, you’ll end up being a client for life and tell your friends about us too!
Just fill out the form - what do you have to lose?