
Managed Services
Let 34Blast be your IT department. We can take care of all your IT needs and become your trusted IT solutions provider. We manage your technology so you don't have to worry about it. A monthly managed service contract can include all of the items listed below to give you piece of mind that your most valuable business tools operate the way they should all the time, every time.

Onsite, Remote or Depot Assistance
Providing all the support you can handle from every direction. From the traditional onsite visit and remediation, to the fast remote connection or the drop off no hurry of depot work. We have the ways to keep your business supported.

Virus Protection
Stop the Blitz and avoid your business getting sacked!! We offer protection from all of the nasties that want to infect your machine and make it non-operational. We use industry leading software that will protect your business information from being compromised.

Backup and Disaster Recovery
Losing the important document or presentation is never fun. Whether it happens from hardware failure, accidental deletion, or even natural disaster, the result is the same - what do I do next? What am I going to do? 34Blast has partnered with Datto for more than 7 years to provide our businesses with piece of mind that they are protected. With full machine image backups being performed as quickly as every 15 minutes, backups tested daily and the ability to virtualize machines in as quickly as 5 minutes.

Email Filtering
The average office worker receives 121 emails per day. Of that, 52% is classified as either SPAM, phishing or contain malicious content. That is too much wasted time on emails that are not important. 34Blast can route email through an online filtering system to stop the email before it hits your inbox. Saving your company time and money by staff being more productive, your internet bandwidth not being consumed with useless data and lowering your risk for data breach/virus infections from employees clicking on a link.

Virus Removal
Trojans, Ransomware, Malware, Spyware and Viruses are becoming smarter and the people who create them are more devious than ever. The reality is that eventually in the lifetime of your desktop and laptop – you will get infected. The good news is that we are here to help. We have over 15 years experience dealing with virus removal and we have not met a machine that could not be cleaned.

Go from working as a lone wolf, to being a powerful team. Copying documents to USB stick or emailing them to other team members is a waste of time and slows down production. Getting your devices to "talk" to each other is essential. It is easier than you think and will change the way you do business.